Alf Satterthwaite

 Alf Satterthwaite

Birth: Cornwall, 1854

Occupation: Game Keeper/Gardener/Butler

Biography: Aside from a brief flirtation with the army, Mr Satterthwaite was a lifelong veteran of service. As a young man he received employment with Earl Cadogan as a stable hand, though an allergy to horses quickly forced him to reconsider his position, and he attempted to join the armed forces, undergoing basic training before being demobbed for short-sightedness. He then took a gardener's role at Tregothnan House, where he remained until recently. With his employer's money increasingly tight, Satterthwaite's role began to grow, taking on the jobs of those staff who left, until he was almost single-handedly manning 2000 acres of land, as well as seeing off poachers, maintaining game populations, managing both formal and informal gardens, and latterly stepping in as house staff.
In 1911, Lord Boscowen sold all his English estates and moved to his holdings in India, leaving his lifelong employees, including Alf, unemployed. With little work available, Alf signed on with the King's Extraordinary Regiment, where his short sight would be of no concern in the low visibility of the Smog, and his old shotgun a perfect weapon for claustrophobic street fighting.


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